Tube Fuel Preamp


TUBE FUEL, sound Magnifier !
Preamp, Comp & Boost

( For Guitar & Bass )

True Bypass switch is optional (seen on the top of the casing)

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A must-have add-on for all musicians striving for ‘perfection’ and ‘minimalism’. Ultra compact, with a sleek design that focuses on what matters, the sound !
Preamp tube running on 9 volt, this little tool exalts your sound giving Depth to the bass, Presence to the treble, Boost to the volume and a natural inimitable Compression which we look for in our playing.
Now that’s really awesome !

Whether you’re a studio musician, a couldn’t care-less bass player using only a DI box on stage, a travelling guitarist who’s gone for ‘digital’ equipment, Tube Fuell has been designed for you.
As for the others, well.. just check it out and surprise yourself ! 🙂

Boutique Pedals for Guitar & Bass - Handmade in France

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Foam dice to protect the Tube (blue, red or yellow)


12AU7 Tube
True Bypass (option)


9 volt (200mA) – 12 volt max


(6 x 6 x 5) cm

Video Credit

In the meantime, demo of The Grunger, a colored Tube Boost